Travis Barker重傷
音樂領域的強弱是很主觀的東西,通常人們都很難有共識去認定誰是XX界的世界最強,因為超強的樂手太多而且人人有大絕所以這很難去比。但是世界上也有少數的例外,像是講到”地球上最強的龐克鼓手”,這絕對會公認為Travis Barker(Blink 182的鼓手),根本不用謙虛,每年鼓界雜誌都會票選各樂風的最強鼓手,然後Travis每一年都是龐克鼓手界的冠軍,已經蟬聯到不行了,每年看這排行榜都只要注意第二名之後有啥變化就好,反正第一永遠是Travis Barker。以前我練過兩首Blink 182的歌,痛苦極了,真的是太超過,練一般的龐克歌(Green Day, Rancid等等)大概只要速度和體力有到一個等級就能安穩的打,但是練他的歌則是需要過人的速度、過人的體力、過人的技術和大量腎上腺素。
但是很糟糕的今天看到了噩耗,Travis Barker墜機失事了!人沒死(天阿幸好還活著),但是嚴重燒傷(幹幹幹幹幹),半夜爬起來看到這種消息真是太shock,雖然昨晚我和蔡伯出去玩的時候發生了尼古丁過量的慘事(俗稱醉煙,會頭暈想吐冒冷汗,變的像是感冒一樣),人很不舒服不過現在還是要提振精神來翻譯這壞消息:
On September 19, 2008, Barker was injured when the Learjet 60, in which he was a passenger, crashed outside of Columbia, South Carolina. The jet was headed for Van Nuys, California. According to the Federal Aviation Administration, the plane was departing the airport, when air traffic controllers saw sparks emanating from the plane, which went off the runway, smashed through a fence, crossed a nearby road, slammed into an embankment and caught fire. Barker had performed the night before at an event with former Jane's Addiction singer Perry Farrell, Gavin DeGraw and DJ AM. Barker is listed in critical condition, and was transported to the Augusta Georgia Burn Center in Augusta, Georgia. DJ AM was also injured in the crash and is also listed in critical condition. Four others were killed in the crash, three males and one female, with autopsies being performed to identify the bodies. Two of the deceased were crew members, and two were passengers, including Chris Baker, Barker's personal assistant. Information released after the crash suggested that Barker was burned from the waist down but expected to survive, with DJ AM suffering burns to his face.
2008九月19,Travis Barker在南加州的哥倫比亞的一場飛機失事意外中受傷,該班飛機原訂為飛往Van Nuys, California。根據Federal飛航管理部表示,當時該飛機正要離開機場,而航空交通控制中心看到飛機發出火光、駛出航道、衝破護欄、穿越附近的馬路、撞上提防然後著火。在失事前的當晚,Barker和Jane's Addiction前主唱 Perry Farrell, Gavin DeGraw 以及 DJ AM一起表演。Barker身受重傷,目前被送往Augusta Georgia燒燙傷中心,搭乘同一班飛機的DJ AM也受了重傷,該班飛機上的其餘四名乘客(3男1女)都已身亡,其中兩名是工作人員,另兩名為乘客,其中一位是Barker的私人助理Chris Baker。消息指出Travis Barker腰部以下燒傷,而DJ AM臉部燒傷。
Travis Barker solo影片
BTW 最近有他的新聞嗎???
希望他能夠早日康復 繼續打鼓
另外有個奇妙的消息(來自於Blink 182的Mark的網誌),Travis、Mark、Tom這三人最近又開始聊一聊聚一聚了,如果Blink 182能重組就太奧妙啦