Carlos II
在寫之前我先反覆把卡洛斯二世的wiki和英文wiki反覆看了數次,然後忽然發現一個很好下筆的點-他的第二任老婆Maria Anna,剎那間我完全領悟出這篇歌詞的主題該寫些什麼啦!這主題會超好發揮而且很有趣!
中心思想確定之後則是要考慮下筆的方法,在上網讀了一大堆歌詞和一大堆類似的主題的歌之後,我變的很想在詞裡放一大堆有的沒的梗,就像是Limp Bizkit在Hot Dog的副歌狂抄九吋釘的Closer一樣,Hot Dog的副歌是這樣:
You wanna fuck me like an animal
You'd like to burn me on the inside
You like to think that I'm a perfect drug
Just know that nothing you do
Will bring you closer to me
I want to fuck you like an animal
I want to feel you from the inside
I want to fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to god
看了有一種NIN被Limp Bizkit吃豆腐的感覺,抄很大!Fred Durst這人真的滿機的,而且還用上Perfect Drug!在主歌裡也寫到Nine Inch Nail這個詞。
Welcome to my misery kingdom
Where lived hypocrites and sneerers
Our naughty Fates smile uglily upon heaven
Raining blood smelled like street woman
Torture is underway, endless pain goes like downward spiral
Misfortune keeps on dig me, cut me, rape me
Harder, harder, and harder
No, it comes again
Oh, I can't stand this, please help me ecsape from it
You are my saver, my master, my Gooddess and my Lord
DurruYeah~ Hei! Ha!
Mia Mary Anna
DurruYeah~ Hei! Ha!
Colitas aroma
DurruYeah~ Hei! Ha!
Agitar tu cola
DurruYeah~ DurruYeah~ DurruYaooo~ Hei!
Ship of Fools sails for dark side of the moon
Left me behind in the pale lonely doom
With my Fairy of Fauno healing my gloom
Someone says you made Confucius confused
And let Buddha blown a fuse
Every piece of me want licking, craving, sucking, feeling, dragging
The taste of you
Hey, I can't wait to be with the perfect drug like this
Your whisper lure my heart, my blood and my soul
在寫之前我先反覆把卡洛斯二世的wiki和英文wiki反覆看了數次,然後忽然發現一個很好下筆的點-他的第二任老婆Maria Anna,剎那間我完全領悟出這篇歌詞的主題該寫些什麼啦!這主題會超好發揮而且很有趣!
中心思想確定之後則是要考慮下筆的方法,在上網讀了一大堆歌詞和一大堆類似的主題的歌之後,我變的很想在詞裡放一大堆有的沒的梗,就像是Limp Bizkit在Hot Dog的副歌狂抄九吋釘的Closer一樣,Hot Dog的副歌是這樣:
You wanna fuck me like an animal
You'd like to burn me on the inside
You like to think that I'm a perfect drug
Just know that nothing you do
Will bring you closer to me
I want to fuck you like an animal
I want to feel you from the inside
I want to fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to god
看了有一種NIN被Limp Bizkit吃豆腐的感覺,抄很大!Fred Durst這人真的滿機的,而且還用上Perfect Drug!在主歌裡也寫到Nine Inch Nail這個詞。
Welcome to my misery kingdom
Where lived hypocrites and sneerers
Our naughty Fates smile uglily upon heaven
Raining blood smelled like street woman
Torture is underway, endless pain goes like downward spiral
Misfortune keeps on dig me, cut me, rape me
Harder, harder, and harder
No, it comes again
Oh, I can't stand this, please help me ecsape from it
You are my saver, my master, my Gooddess and my Lord
DurruYeah~ Hei! Ha!
Mia Mary Anna
DurruYeah~ Hei! Ha!
Colitas aroma
DurruYeah~ Hei! Ha!
Agitar tu cola
DurruYeah~ DurruYeah~ DurruYaooo~ Hei!
Ship of Fools sails for dark side of the moon
Left me behind in the pale lonely doom
With my Fairy of Fauno healing my gloom
Someone says you made Confucius confused
And let Buddha blown a fuse
Every piece of me want licking, craving, sucking, feeling, dragging
The taste of you
Hey, I can't wait to be with the perfect drug like this
Your whisper lure my heart, my blood and my soul
Fauno: 羅馬神話的牧神,掌管畜牧、山林和飲酒作樂,名字的原意是"一切",在電影"羊男的迷宮"裡面,牧神是聯繫著現實世界和幻想世界之間的介質。
DurruYeah~ Hei! Ha! (這是狀聲詞)
Mia Mary Anna 我的Mary Anna
DurruYeah~ Hei! Ha!
Colitas aroma 瀰漫著花蕾芬芳
DurruYeah~ Hei! Ha!
Agitar tu cola 搖搖你的小尾巴
DurruYeah~ DurruYeah~ DurruYaooo~ Hei! (依然是狀聲詞)
現在寫完歌詞的感想是我大腦裡的文才已經耗竭到一個程度了,目前呈現一種短時間之內不想寫任何會花心思的東西,最後要感謝Slayer, Nine Inch Nails, Eagles, Pink Floyd, Slipknot, RHCP讓英文能力很貧瘠的我,長出許多靈感並埋了一堆有的沒的梗和不錯的詞彙在歌詞裡。希望大家看完之後能夠瞭解真正的主題是什麼啦哈哈哈。

DurruYeah~ Hei! Ha! (這是狀聲詞)
Mia Mary Anna 我的Mary Anna
DurruYeah~ Hei! Ha!
Colitas aroma 瀰漫著花蕾芬芳
DurruYeah~ Hei! Ha!
Agitar tu cola 搖搖你的小尾巴
DurruYeah~ DurruYeah~ DurruYaooo~ Hei! (依然是狀聲詞)
現在寫完歌詞的感想是我大腦裡的文才已經耗竭到一個程度了,目前呈現一種短時間之內不想寫任何會花心思的東西,最後要感謝Slayer, Nine Inch Nails, Eagles, Pink Floyd, Slipknot, RHCP讓英文能力很貧瘠的我,長出許多靈感並埋了一堆有的沒的梗和不錯的詞彙在歌詞裡。希望大家看完之後能夠瞭解真正的主題是什麼啦哈哈哈。